Joshua Sanger

Cineplex Redesign (Unofficial)

The task

When I browse the web, I am constantly analyzing websites' UIs, the designs, and the whole experience overall. That's often the first thing I do, followed by the actual task I came to the site for. It's both a blessing and a curse.

When looking up movies coming out, I noticed that there is definitely room for improvement on Cineplex's home page (desktop view). As a challenge to myself, I decided to take a stab at redesigning the main page, while complying with the company's branding guidelines.

My redesign

View the full HD version here.

Ikea Redesign

The hero / main image

As you can see, I put a focus on the featured movies. The current design has a small slider with the movie poster, however it really doesn't take advantage of all the high resolution images we have these days for movies.

By separating the actual text from the movie poster, the user is able to clearly see details, watch the trailer, and even find showtimes for that specific movie, all in one glance without the distraction of the movie poster text. This also allows more conformity between the movies, since the text based on the Cineplex branding.

The body

I kept the main part of the body similar, but refreshed the design to match the rest of the site.

The tabs will shift the content left and right depending the direction the user is navigating. When the user hovers over movie they are interesting in, an option for playing the trailer, or finding showtimes will appear. One of the differences here is I have added pagination. This will keep the page shorter, and allow the user to easily digest the titles on the screen (without overwhelming them with options).

Try it yourself!

I found this exercise to be quite refreshing and an enjoyable experience. Not only did it stretch my creativity / UI analysis, but it also gave me the change to design something without any boundaries. Often times we don't get to do that in our industry (due to time constraints, device / browser support, or client feedback. It was nice to take a moment and do something for the fun of it.

I encourage you to find a product on a site (doesn't have to be Cineplex), pick a platform (I chose desktop) and try to redesign the user experience / design of the page!

Happy designing!

Let's get in touch!

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